We are Sealskinz
From puddles and sandy terrain, to downpours and snowy trails, our waterproof accessories have got you covered.

Bij Sealskinz® hebben we meer dan dertig jaar ervaring in het ontwikkelen en produceren van endurance accessoires. Vanaf het begin hebben we samengewerkt met enkele van 's werelds grootste atleten, waaronder bergbeklimmers, ontdekkingsreizigers, fietsers, skiërs, hardlopers, zeilers, ruiters en alle vormen van gekke ultra-evenementteams en individuen, om ervoor te zorgen dat onze producten de zeer beste in comfort en prestaties, zodat u (en alle andere Sealskinz-dragers) het buitenleven kunnen trotseren.

Waterproof Accessories
Welcome to Sealskinz. Our passion (some might say obsession actually) is to craft the finest waterproof accessories in the world. And while waterproof will always be our #1, we also want to keep you protected from snow, sand, mud, dirt and anything else that can get in the way of doing your thing in the outdoors.
Because to so many, accessories are an afterthought. But to us at Sealskinz, they’re everything.
And the best part?
They work really, really well.
We believe that no matter what’s going on around you, you can stay dry, protected, warm, and cosy by paying a little attention to what you put on your hands, feet, and head. Using innovative technology, premium materials, and a close attention to detail, we are confident that our socks, gloves, and hats will keep you dry, blister free, and comfortable.

Any weather
Any Activity
Sealskinz accessories have been to the top of Everest, braved the snowy winds of Antarctica, stayed dry on wilderness rafting trips in Alaska, and are trusted by the UK military. However, they’re equally incredible at keeping you comfortable while walking your furry friend, rushing on a brisk morning school run, or even watching an exhilarating children's football game (sarcasm intended).
To say they’re up for any weather challenge is kind of an understatement.